Grant Application

2024-25 Texas Financial Education Endowment Application and Checklist-Coming Soon

The Grant Advisory Committee will evaluate the grant applications based on the following:

  1. Alignment with TFEE objectives;
  2. Experience and effectiveness and evidence of ability to administer funds and implement programs to achieve predicted impact;
  3. Target population (experience reaching this audience; does program and experience meet the TFEE desired populations);
  4. Outcomes (clearly defined and achievable objectives and activities and the merit of the stated outcomes);
  5. Evaluation & measurement Strategy (clearly defined progress indicators and the ability to objectively measure results);
  6. Program budget and funding (how realistic is the program budget and how valuable is designated use of desired funds); and
  7. Sustainability (does the grant help build a program that can be sustained beyond the grant cycle).


TFEE Priorities for Funding

TFEE funds are awarded to organizations that implement the following:

School and youth based financial education

  • Kindergarten  through  12th   grade  financial  education  programs  that  implement  statewide  TEKS requirements, including train the trainer programs
    • Educational  materials  seamlessly  integrate  personal  finance  principles  into  existing curricula
    • Comprehensive professional development programs in personal financial education for kindergarten through 12th grade teachers and administrators
  • Incentive programs for youth or college savings
    • Provide  information  and  incentives  to  match  savings  for  low-and  moderate-income families to save for their children’s education
    • Children or youth savings program

Adult financial education and capability

  • Increase credit scores, personal savings and reduce debt of low-income, payday, and auto title customers
  • Savings programs and incentives
  • Innovative  strategies  for  long-term  financial  empowerment,  including  parenting  for financial capability
  • Encourage liquid asset building

Financial Coaching

  • Program emphasizes changes in financial behaviors over time, based on an ongoing relationship between the coach and the client.

Key elements include:

  • A focus on long-term outcomes
  • An ongoing, systematic, client-driven, collaborative process for assisting clients to change behaviors
  • Support to practice new behaviors and financial well being
  • Building skills and teaching content based on the client’s unique needs and goals
  • Empower clients to become financially independent and secure